justgames7604 said:
now now, i never said they are going for 70? why do you say this....... i never said this was anything bad either. the title of the thread itself is pretty misleading.... as are the quotes from naughty dogs. as it seems like they are aiming for something alot higher than 60fps. That is all. 'Naughty dogs working hard to Push the Last of US on PS4 past 60fps' He also never says anthing youre saying here, he just says that: We are coding hard over the weekends with our Naughty Dog graphics team to push The Last of Us past 60 fps. all we get from this rather ambiguous statement is that they are reaching above 60fps, does it say anything about locked 60fps like youre saying? why is it ok for you to infer things but not me? If we go off of the statement my first response is justified in the fact that it sounds exactly what it sounds like: they are aiming higher than 60fps as they didnt say anything that youre saying. |
you are the only person who thinks the title is misleading, everyone here knows exactly what is meant by the title and OP.
also corinne yu is a she, not a he
I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.
"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"
Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum! See ya guys on Viz