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Finally had a chance to watch the Nintendo Direct yesterday :)

Like S.Peelman, I would have really loved to see some actual gameplay (although Aonuma seems to identify what we saw as gameplay? Maybe in-engine video?) but the ideas behind the game, as expressed by Aonuma, are very interesting. The art style is intriguing also -- almost a mixture of the watercolor, cel-shaded, and "realistic" art styles we've seen in the last three console Zelda adventures.

Here's quote from Aonuma last year in June. I think it sums up the style appropriately:

"The thing about Zelda is we want everything to be unique, whether it's the graphical presentation or the gameplay. It has to be something you can't see anywhere else. We wouldn't want it to be ultra-realistic because you can see that elsewhere. But I can't say that it's going to be cartoony-realistic like you mentioned, the fantastic presentation that we've already done in the past. It will be something new."

As for Hyrule Warriors, I concur with Rol that it's shaping up rather nicely. I've been pessimistic about the game since the original reveal, but the addition of multiple playable characters and two-player mode is slowly changing my mind.

Last but not least, I want to thank DanneSandin for keeping this thread going strong over the past week. He did an awesome job :)