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I really wanted to purchase a Playstation Vita this week because I've recently purchased a Playstation 3, a Playstation 4, and I'm already signed up for a year of Playstation Plus, so buying a Vita seems like a logical thing to do if for no other reason than to get the monthly free games that are available for it to Playstation Plus members and I'm also impressed by the game library the fledgling Sony portable console has; however, when I went to the only Wal~Mart in my area that I frequently shop at that had one a couple of weeks ago, it had been purchased.  Also, I tried to purchase one at my nearest Gamestop, and they didn't have one either.

When I do a search for a Playstation Vita at, I have to scroll haveway down the first page of search results that pops up before I even get to a Playstation Vita itself ( which I think is strange because when you search for any other game console they instantly pop up at the top of their search results, which could also be detrimental to Vita sales because in my estimation most people are going to do a basic search for a Vita at Walmart or a similar store and get frustrated when it doesn't immediately pop up like all other game consoles and move on to something else ), and then it says the Vita itself is out of stock online  ( ), then when I check store availability, I notice that only three out of fifteen Walmarts within a 50 mile radius of my house even have Sony Playstation Vitas.

So, do you think scarcity could be contributing to Playstation Vita's poor sales?