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Nicklesbe said:

I just gave you a direct quote of him saying exactly that. At this point you are just trolling. Even in the quote where his translator misspoke and said him he said the exact same thing. Which is that it is up to the player. Read it. He did not call link a him. His translator said him in a quote in which he said that gender which is a characteristic is completely up to the player. I'm sorry you don't understand that gender falls under the characteristic category. You cannot ignore the context of what he said. I've already proved he said it time and time again. You are just ignoring reality, twisting words and blocking out 90% of what the man said. I've proven it and now all you are doing at this point is flaming and trolling.

No, you didn't. He did not say that. The translator didn't misspeak. He never said "Link's gender is up to the player." He said "I don't want people to focus on Link's characteristics, because Link represents the player." Stop hearing what you want to hear, because it's not true. Even the link you provided says that Link is a male. You're literally making up stuff.

"It's a rumour," Aonuma said with a chuckle when I asked him about the speculation buzzing around online. "Actually that comment I made jokingly," he said. "It's not that I said that it wasn't Link. It's that I never said that it was Link. It's not really the same thing, but I can understand how it could be taken that way."

"It seems like it has kind of taken off where people are saying 'oh it's a female character' and it just kind of grew. But my intent in saying that [was humour]. You know, you have to show Link when you create a trailer for a Zelda announcement."


"I don't want to define HIM so much that it becomes limiting to the players. I want players to focus on other parts of the trailer and not specifically on the character because the character Link represents, again, the player."

Good day.