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AndrewWK said:
UltimateUnknown said:
I feel like one of the biggest hurdles this game will face is its lack of content. I can imagine the game will be 10-12 hours long, but with such average and linear gameplay, replay value will be very low. People are likely to just trade the game in as soon as they complete it.

This game really needed some kind of MP mode to keep people invested and coming back.

The Last of Us was about 12hours long and it did pretty fucking well. Maybe you don´t believe but there are people out there who are looking for 6-10 hour games. I am one of those people. I have basically two jobs and don´t have the time to play a game for 100 hours. I am playing Persona 4 golden for over 2 months now and I don´t know when I am ever going to finish it. And I love that game. So if can choose between a 6 hour game and 120 hour I will allways go for the six hour game, and there are plenty of people like me out there.

In fact with the average age of gamers increasing all the time that might be a significant trend in games. People preferring a biut of linearity as a trade off for tight narrative for a satisfying experience in under 15 hours.

Linearity is only shit if it's done badly. Indeed it appears linearity appears to earn games high metascroes and GOTYs. After all two games that broke GOTY records last gen were the essence of lineariy: Uncharted 2 and TLOU. So linear done well --> gaming excellence. It's actually getting really tiresome seeing games being heavily criticised just for linearity. It's a legitimate style for video games, and it's a style enjoyed by millions as sales and praise for many of last gen's games can attest.

By all means people can voice their preference and say they don't like linear games so they have no interest in The Order, but don't criticise linearity as if it has no place in video games.

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Jimi Hendrix