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E3 is not about glitz and glamour whos d*** can do backflips, rainbows and other weird stuff. Sony Microsoft and Nintendo are competing for your money not your satisfaction. Those suits going on stage are not there for family hour, they want you to buy the games and products they show on stage, even if a game company has the crappiest presentation ever and sells manages to sell 20 million its regarded as a success. Sales decide who wins E3, June and July NPD should show a clear winner aswell as worldwide sales. Furthermore Gamescom is in August and Tokyo Game Show in September, their will be winners for these events aswell again based off sales. Consumers vote with their wallets, and so far Nintendo aint getting to much of that cash with the exception of smash bros, Microsoft is pimping the hell out of Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive is getting momentum and Kinectless Xbox One has gotten a major E3 boost. Sony's exclusive lineup is making major headwaves. Destiny PS4 is making lots of rounds, WII U is sales are stagnant much development there. 

Edit: Just checked June Cumulative sales Amazon US.  Xbox One kinectless got a bump from 56 to 52  and Destiny PS4 is now 20, in just three days on the market. Master Chief collection is ranked rumber 8.  Amazon Canada has Master Chief Collection at 11, Kinectless at 70, Destiny PS4 bundle at 24.