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kljesta64 said:
Aura7541 said:

Then you know nothing about biostatistics. You can get accurate data without surveying every single person. There are multiple ways to ensure accuracy such as blindness, blocking, large sample sizes, random sampling, etc.

You disagree with the percentage, fine. It's okay to be skeptical. However, don't go around thinking that you speak for others because you don't (e.g. "you know its BS and you know its not correct.").

You cant get "ACCURATE" data. Even if you survey every single person on earth people are going to lie. Statistics can only be accurate in science in some fields.

The bolded shows how you still don't understand how biostats work. You can get accurate data. You may not hit the exact center of a dartboard, but if your dart hits the bullseye, it's pretty darn accurate. Same applies to biostats. Your results will never be 100% accurate, but if it's really close, it's good enough. That's why terms such as standard deviation, percent error, and p-value exists.

As for the italics, you ignored the tactics I mentioned before. That is why blind tests exist; so they can prevent unneccesary bias.