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Here you go. This I posted in another thread but applies here.

Hey everyone. My mate got a copy of GT5 P bout a month ago but he went on holiday before I could play it.

However now I have, here's what I can tell you.

I have roughly spent 3 hours on it. Mostly online.

The graphics are the best in any driving game period. There are however some noticable little things that detract. Some pop up is present on trackside detail. No tyre marks at all.(Not reffering to the marks that are there pre race. There's no marks made by your car tyres.) And there was talk of this game being native 720p but upscaled to 1080p. Well in replays it's definately 1080p. But in game there is some noticeable jaggies which doesnt appear in other true native 1080p games. Also I think as other sites have mentioned the replays are certainly not 60fps. I think 30fps. But ingame is def 60fps. Only other thing is slight tearing occasionally.

Gameplay wise It's actually hard to see what Polyphony are making. Obviously damage is non existant. We found it mainly posed a problem online. It reminded me of banger racing. The trouble is you always get cheats online. And when you enjoy simulation racing where overtaking is an art/precision it's ruined by prats. With no real cosequence for trying to plough into the side of someones car to take him off at the corner It meant everybody within 6 inches of each other was taken strait off by the guy coming up the inside who used everyone else as a brake. Then happily drives off miles in the lead. Even an internal damage system like steering, suspension gearbox etc, would have stopped this happening. It makes the online as un simulationy as you can get.

Singleplayer though is a bit better. still sometimes if your going slower than the AI cars rather than go off the racing line to take you they will smack right up your tail. Not very amusing. Of course this makes blocking them pointless as they don't care.

The controls and feel of the cars though is spot on. When you drive with no other cars around you it really is something special. I would say as good as Forza 2's. But with added graphical bling.

I suppose that because Forza 2 got what so many racers couldnt get right it's hard not to compare the online. But at this time it's a shame that GT5P online is marred by prats. Simple consequence would stop it, and make it prper racing.

In the Jap version there is 5 tracks(2 from GT4)but 10 layouts. and 37 cars. from what I could see.

If you love simulation lets hope by the time we get GT5 that Polyphony address the niggles with AI, and add some form of damage to make online feel like a real race instead of a derby. There is talk of naybe a download for GT5P that's for damage. It's supposed to be a tester for the full game.(heres hoping).

Graphics 9.0

Gameply 8.0

Sound 9.0

Lating appeal 6.0

Overall 7.5

Although best looking driving game. It has some poor elements that need adressing. Simulation racing has passed just the graphics stage. Polyphony need to know this.

My thoughts are with this game being played as a simulation. Hence GT5P's caption'Real Driving Simulator'

I've been as honest as I can