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First things first, this game looks stunning, maybe the best looking game on the showfloor definitely the best looking game I got to play myself. The Effects enviroments Character models Animations, all of those things looked top notch. I can tell you the game looks better running then the inital Trailer. 


That being said, the gameplay was very familiar. Its another thrid person shooter, but with a really cool setting and a very cool Thermite gun. The way this gun works, is you basically fire thermite at your opponents and incinerate it with the secondary fire and if there is fire in the enviroment you can shoot at it and the bullets turn into explosive projectiles. Thats really neat and I hope they have many other creative guns like that, because the gameplay was fairly basic cover shooting. Which is not to say it can´t be good. I did like what I played, the shooting felt good, the voice acting and the acting in generell was top notch. Unfortunately I just got to fight humans and no werewolfes or other creatures. I thought the Demo itslef was allright but nothing spectaucular, altough I do wanna play more of it.