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You're right, it won't have insane demand forever, but 4 or 5 years is a good bet. It will have great sales this year. WiiFit is the next WiiSports. All americans will buy into it by its message: Why get out of the house when you can stay home and "excercise" on a toy? It may not seem like a seller, but it is.

What back-up do you have besides that it is a "fad". What other refutuable proof do you have to even suggest that there is a slight possiblity it will sell below 35 Million besides being a fanboy? Or are you just a bit frightened of the fact Sony will fail so you have to persuade yourself that the Wii will fail with no reason?

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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you