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Xenoblade is by far the best JRPG of last Gen. IMO.

The graphic doesn't hold up since it's Wii but within minutes of playing that game you stop noticing the graphic and get so immersed.

The environment will blow you away and the Battle system once you get the mechanic of it is the most innovative Turn-based -action battle system ever design for a JRPG.


This game rather than innovate with new mechanic, it innovate tried and true method and simply perfect these system that were used in prior game making it the love child of all JRPG you love to play before. The game is linear but gives you enough freedom to explore at your own pace. But, be warned, Xenoblade Chronicle is for JRPG fan and should be avoided for players that really haven't been able to get into the JRPG genre in prior games. There still grinding, fetch quest, random useless quest, exploration for the sake of exploring and the world of Xenoblade chronicles depending on your level is full of creatures that are much higher level that will kill you in a few blow and are to be left alone.