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Arius Dion said:
Samus Aran said:

Lol, what a bunch of whining for a beautiful artstyle. Zelda is about the gameplay. 

Skyward Sword sold poorly because it came out on a dying console (game took way too much development time) and used the Wiimotion+ peripheral. The game looks nothing like WWHD and Skyward Sword anyway. 

Didn't know criticism of any kind would be considered whining. Excuses though, still sound like excuses. If SS was a better game, it wouldn't have sold as poorly as it did. Zelda was about more than just gameplay in its prime. It's largely a niche game now. 
It looks like SS in HD to me, and that's not what the marjority of Zelda fans let alone mainstream gamers are asking for in their Zelda.

Don´t be so vague andexplain to me : What was Zelda about aside from gameplay "in it´s prime" ?

What was the "prime " era ?