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I think that fans who love the bright style would still buy the tech demo, but people who prefer the tech demo would touch this one, so I'm sure you're right.

But I literally don't care at all if it only sells 100 units, because this is better than anything else they could have done. This look is perfect and absolutely superior to anything the tech demo could have done. I don't care how well Nintendo or the Wii U does if doesn't alter the quality of my games. Them making a Zelda game they very clearly don't want to make just because it would "sell better" wouldn't fly with me, and I'm glad they ignored that kind of shallow bullshit.

And let's be clear about that; Aonuma does not want to make a realistic Zelda. It's not happening again. I seriously hope they remake Twilight Princess on the Wii U to look like the tech demo. It would shut them up.

If you're not going to buy this game simply because you don't like the art style, you don't deserve to play any Zelda game. Period.