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Semmie said:
VanceIX said:

Let me start off by saying that the graphics looks absolutely breathtaking, and the new Link is already one of my favorites, and I haven't even played the game yet!

Now, what I'm trying to say is that while the graphical style is breathtaking, it might not be what's best for the Wii U in terms of financial success. The graphics style is reminent of Skyward Sword, with some of the effects from Wind Waker HD thrown in. It looks artistically beautiful, but in the end I doubt it sways too many people to purchase a Wii U, at least compared to a realistic Zelda.

A Zelda like the one shown in E3 would probably move more Wii U units, as many gamers today put graphics over everything, as shortsighted as that is. This Zelda is more original, sure, but it'll have a much tougher time moving units than a realistic Zelda.

I feel like this is the type of title we should see at the end of the generation, kind of like how Skyward Sword came out at the end of last gen, while a realistic Zelda should have come first to help with the Wii U's sales.

Once again, I'm not saying that the artstyle is bad. By all means, it's amazing, And I'm sure that it will be an amazing title, especially with the more open gameplay mechanics.

the one that was shown on the first impression with the realistic zelda took my heart. this one gave me the feeling of windwaker. surely its a good game but i feel like misled by nintendo. the same what happened with alien colonial marines with the good graphics. and then when the game came out we got dreamcast graphics for alien colonial marines.

then again im gonna buy it cause it gonna be a good game. but still they misled me and i dont forget that

You misled yourself. And stop comparing it to Wind Waker, it looks nothing like it. 

Why do people think the tech demo looked better? It didn't! Look at the fire in both trailers for example, massive difference.