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leo-j said:

Ive seen some of your guys signatures, like neos and more users stating the wii will be almost at 50 million by this year's end, I dont understand why you guys beleive this, though what do you think will happen for the wii to reach that numbers since I think its impossible, what do you think that makes it possible?

This is you, asking for back up, without give any back up of your prediction, in this way you turned the topic against you...

The price? Increase in demand? Nintendo creating more wii's? What?


This is you editing your post...

Why I expect the wii to end up with as much as 33 million consoles by the end of 2008:

I do not expect the wii to be something that every person in the world wants and it will no longer sell out sometime in mid 08, demand should be met at that point and sales should drop to around 360 levels.

This is you, telling us that somehow the Wii is going down to the 360 levels (And the PS3 winning, since now is outselling the 360)

Notice: I can be wrong, Im not a fortune teller than can tell the future like some people that have posted on this forum stating the wii "WILL" sell more than 40 million, meaning they already know what will happen in the future since they can predic it after all.

This way you put most of the people against you... thats why FJ put that char, to make the thing funny...


By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."