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KungKras said:
manuel said:

And then there's guys like me. I adored the hell out of Wind Waker the moment I saw it.

And I still love it 10 years later.

That's why I keep saying that all the anime-zelda accomplishes is to split the fanbase. It polarized us 10 years ago, and it still does.

Good for you if you like it, but I'll tell you this. If GC Zelda looked like the demo they showed (IE classic fantasy), then we never would have been split in the first place. Instead of half the fanbase (or more) noone would have complained about the looks.

I think more than anything, anime-styled Zelda is driving away potential new mainstream gamers.

I'm a fan, and although I really dislike anime (bar few pieces here and there), I will have no problem playing and enjoying new Zelda. But mainstream audience, one that Nintendo failed to impress for so long and make them jump the ship, is not looking for that style - teens today want to watch Game of Thrones, not anime, they are playing Skyrim, not Skyward Sword.

Unfortunatelly, Nintendo and Aonuma are still wearing blinders and failing to aknowledge what sells in the west - is this stuborness, or their "Nintendo culture" agenda, I really have no idea. Of course, it may be they don't care about profits, and want to do whatever they like, but I somehow find that hard to believe.