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KungKras said:
manuel said:
curl-6 said:
KungKras said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
I do agree that fans will have mixed feeling about this till 10 years later when they will be praising it

I'm not praising Wind Waker ten years later. I still dislike it.

Same here.

And then there's guys like me. I adored the hell out of Wind Waker the moment I saw it.

And I still love it 10 years later.

That's why I keep saying that all the anime-zelda accomplishes is to split the fanbase. It polarized us 10 years ago, and it still does.

Good for you if you like it, but I'll tell you this. If GC Zelda looked like the demo they showed (IE classic fantasy), then we never would have been split in the first place. Instead of half the fanbase (or more) noone would have complained about the looks.

The fanbase wouldn't have split but the's a good chance it would of shrunk as time passes and this is shown to happen in other franchise that choose not to change the approach. Ultimately splitting the fanbase with differing and varied approaches is for the best, Nintendo essentially did with Zelda what they did with Mario and made the gameplay giving what draws people back and not how it looks and what WW established was that this is a series that will not stick to one approach in each installment giving them a good amount of freedom. If every Zelda game since OOT kept that approach the's a good chance the userbase would have shrunk and you'd be looking at less potential sales, I'll even add some food for thought, the animation quality shown is on par with what we see in Ghibli films and the approach could give the series a big boost in Japan. Personally I don't see the visual approach affecting performance in the west by much.