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fighter said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Ding ding ding! You win the thread.

Idk why people give Naughty Dog a pass in the bullshots category, especially when in the case of their last 3 games (Uncharted 2/3, LoU) they have shown trailers and gameplay pre-release billed as "in engine on Playstation 3" and then when the games are out it turns out the games are not only downgraded, but the only times they ever approach the level of graphic fidelity they showcased, is during unplayable cut scenes.

I have no doubt U4 will be a great looking game but of course what do they show off first? An unplayable cut scene.

That's not even getting into the fact that their games thus far on PS3 have been able to look as good as they have because they are heavily scripted, corridor games. They are Sony's version of Gears of War. To me personally titles like GTA V or Just Cause 2 were much more impressive because they looked gorgeous while also being much more open creatively to not only the designed but the gamer as well. In their past games you saw exactly what ND wanted you to see.

In short, no. PC will always be superior.


Unchated 2 looked better.

The gameplay segments of TLOU or UC3 were never downgraded.


This is the go to pic for downgrades in UC3, unfortunately it's a fucking cutscene. Wow, they downgraded a pre-rendered cutscene, gameplay has never been downgraded however and they're saying this is gameplay. Also the comparison pic is rigged to make the second look like shit and pixelated and low res. UC2 got a boost and that's a fact, while UC3 and TLOU got no gameplay downgrades, the trailer footage mixed cut-scenes in with gameplay.