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By Tom Ivan

 Sandy Duncan, formerly vice president of Xbox Europe, claims consoles as we know them will die out within a decade. 

”I think dedicated games devices will die [out] in the next 5 to 10 years. The business model is very risky and the costs associated with creating new hardware are incredibly high,” Duncan told That Videogame Blog.

"There is a definite convergence of other devices, such as set top boxes,” continued the man who now heads casual gaming business YoYo Games. “There's hardly any technology difference between some hard disc video recorders and an Xbox 360, for example.

"In fact in 5 to 10 years I don't think you'll have any box at all under your TV, most of this stuff will be virtualized as web services by your content provider."

Duncan’s views echo those of analyst Billy Pidgeon, who told Next-Gen earlier this week that traditional videogame consoles may play no part in the next platform cycle.

“I think it will be very hard for consoles to compete with PCs in five years, or for dedicated handhelds to compete with smartphones,” he said.

“…The platforms of the next cycle may not be a console at all, but software distributed by network to convergent devices like PCs, set top boxes and smart phones.”