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curl-6 said:

I feel I should point out that I am not in the same camp as Zero999. I'm not saying Wii U is closer in power to PS4 than PS3 or anything. I'm not saying it could do Uncharted 4 at 720p.

I simply believe it has the capacity to represent the same kind of improvement over PS3/360 that say, Wii did over PS2, or 3DS did over PSP.

Thats correct, Im basically saying the same thing. The Wii U will have advantages over the 7th gen, they are already showing largely in terms of sheer scale. Like the PS2 -Wii and 3DS - PSP there will be subtle graphical enhancements. Choosing the right art style as with Zelda is also a smart move. A realistic Zelda would be compared to something like the Witcher 3 and thats an uphill battle.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine