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A female character would not only increase the need for programing more character animations but the need for programing the world to react to both male and female characters as they would elicit different reactions in an immersive environment such as those provided in Assassin's Creed games.

You, like myself, know little to nothing of programing for video games nor the constraints developers are under to meet deadlines and goals and therefore I don't understand how you feel qualified to brush of their reason's so easily.

Thus the idea that a company, whose goal it is to make money, that has show itself willing to make action games with lead female characters despite the people who make the majority of video game purchases being male is now sexist for making a game without a playable female character is not only stupid but dishonest, slanderous and biased.

Yes, video games would benefit more female characters in them, but going after games that are not pushing this agenda for you is just negative bullshit and that's how people are going to respond to it.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE