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"Imagine where gaming would be if people could look past preconceived notions and general stupidity and instead educate themselves with basic knowledge of the things they claim to know and care about"

In other words, it is a shame that people might not get Zelda because the graphic style isn't ultra realistic or whatever. Seriously, if it weren't a business and if it weren't immature to say so, I would just be like "fuck those guys, they don't deserve to play such an awesome game anyway". But in the end it sucks that the only way to attract casuals is to essentially make casual games that are all hype because they appeal to the basic level of impressionability so many self-proclaimed "gamers" have, lol. (On RARE occasion a game that rides on hype actually turns out to be good, but that's a 1-3 times a year thing per console, IMO...)