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We need to see more of this game in action especially the different environments to really make a judgement on its graphics and art style. If this is the "Hyrule Field" that was shown then i am mightily impressed especially considering its typically the most generic and barren part of Hyrule. Can you imagine what Death Mountain or Dead Woods or Lake Hylia would look like - visually stunning I would imagine.

The trailer hardly showed much which was a letdown considering it was almost shown at E3 last year. I would have thought an extra year would produce a much more substantial trailer. Heck, I was convinced that it would be playable at this years E3.

I really do hope there is voice acting in this game. Nintendo really needs to implement this so the world of Hyrule can come alive and not feel dull and lifeless. At least keep Link silent but other characters must have a voice!