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I really dislike the way SCEA always treated PS Vita and, to be quite honest, it's starting to burn me and my appreciation for the PS Vita. Such a marvelous system simply wasted but the lack of Sony interested (specially SCEA) is making me feel like an idiot for buying their handheld system. This week was a massive blow against my goodwill towards Sony and the PS Vita, sad thing is Playstation is basically the only platform that interests me because of their amazing IPs, so I don't really have much of a choice. It's either PS4 or WiiU, no way in hell I'm buying a 3DS as it feels like a massive step backwards compared to PS Vita. Guess I'll be playing Type-0 on PS4 when it hits 10 bucks or won't be buying it at all.

At this point I would just wish to see Sony officially killing PS Vita instead of doing all this BS stuff. Oreshika on PS4 would be nice.