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naznatips said:
ameratsu said:
MontanaHatchet said:

As for Okami selling 1 million if it was on the Gamecube...

Maybe, if it was made by Nintendo.

truer words have never been spoken.

i agree with nazntips that the wii version will sell more than the ps2 version ltd. imo this is only the case because it isn't lost in a slew of other releases and this sort of game that will go over well with the zelda-playing wii populace.

if this does over 600,000 let alone a million you can colour me impressed.

Well Capcom will apparently be happy with 270K hehe.

Montana seems to be against this on principle. Like porting his favorite game to Wii corrupts it or something. I've never seen someone more vehemently attack a remake.

You should of saw me when I bought FF6 and Chrono Trigger on the PS1. It added worse washed out music quality, and loading times... and gave me a few stupid animated movies.

Of course to be fair i played it before bashing it. Before then I thought it was the greatest thing ever.

I'm also not a fan of the redesigned FF4 graphics but i'm well complained out about that.