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^Long story short is there anything you could share that somehow refutes my words? I was factually correct and was pretty accurate in wording it. Fire is hot, water is wet, part of Czechoslovakia was occupied and annexed by Poland in 1938 (yes, Germany and Hungary participated too). Was it right or wrong thing to do from perspestive of one person or another is not smth I was talking about, just facts.

If you think that ethnicity of the population of the given territory is enough to consider it "yours", then you should have considered giving away part of Danzig Corridor to Germans in 1939, as Germans were sizeable minority there. Same for partitions of Poland, out of 3 (4 if you count last one) at least 1 was very much justified from your point of view as biggest part of the territory that was taken away from Poland in 1772 wasn't populated by ethnic Polish for the most part.

For a person, who thinks that Poland was occupied by Soviets until 1989 you are really not the right kind to preach about accurate wordings.