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The only thing on PS side I'm really interested in is Bloodborne. Oh and I will try Grim Fandango to see what all the fuzz is about and get TLOU for my collection. You should really count the inFamous expansion since it's its very own game. I will get that day one.

A lot of the MS games look interesting but that's probably the extend it will stay for me. They all have some thing that keeps me from getting too excited(other than not being on a console I own)

I very much liked Halo 1 and 2. But generally I stay far away from shooters on consoles. Maybe if they release it for PC.
Scalebound looks of course awesome but I haven't seen any real gameplay yet(which will definitely be less exciting than the trailer). It seems multiplayer focused which is not really for me.
Sunset Overdrive is open world fun. I generally love open world but I'm not really big on zombies as they bore the hell out of me.
Project Spark will probably be a big hit to a lot of people but I can't be creative. Same problem I have with LBP and Minecraft.
Don't care for indies like Inside or Ori.
Forza Horizon is also a meh. Mario Kart and Motorstorm have pretty much ruined all other racing games for me.
Phantom Dust looks not interesting enough to hold my attention.
Fable might be fun(played the first) but it's nothing special for me.
Crackdown is probably most up my alley with a nice open world but looking at previous Crackdowns I'm not holding my breath.

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