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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Here is the stack up

I say MS (7.5) vs Sony (7.6)


~90 minutes 

Just Games

20 games

A lot of Multiplats

A lot of CGI

The Conference was really focus, excellent production much better camera work and presentation then Sony, but the conference felt safe. Multiplats dominated the conference and ACU and Witcher were probably the only multiplat I remembered seeing gameplay. Sunset Overdrive was the only AAA exclusive i remember having gameplay.


~2 hours

Games + Vita + Vita TV + PS Now + TV/Movies + PS4 Share + Indies

19 Games

A lot of exclusives

Gameplay focus

Bad Camera/Audio

The 20 Minutes of the TV/Music nearly destroyed the conference but they managed to pull it back with games again. 

EDIT: On second thought expectations were disproportionate, MS having high expectations and Sony having low expectations, this might color some people's views but that didn't have much of an effect in my evaluations.

refer to post above, you obviously don't remember MS' show