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The proclamation of 10-year life cycles is deceptive. They are expecting the fact that the Wii has redefined gaming for the mainstream to mean that the PS3 and PSP will be the consoles of choice for those who don't want to change with the times. To some extent, they're correct; just as the Atari 2600 enjoyed a longer-than-normal lifespan thanks to it being the last (and practically only) console of the pre-NES era, the PS3 and PSP will similarly benefit from hangers-on. But the problem is that the Atari (and the PS3 and PSP, when that time comes) got little to no support during its "rebirth" at the dawn of the NES age. However, I strongly suspect that it will be the PS2, not the PS3, that gets the title of "last console standing" for the ex-modern era of gaming consoles that the NES started.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.