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small44 said:
Nintendo fan would say Nintendo conference is the best just because of Mario games

small44, your opinion of Nntendo fans is small minded and insulting.  Why would you say such a thing?  No one else insults anyone here on this site.  Jk, just about everyone busts' chops.  

But to give a more accurate description on what Nintendo fans would consider top of the show this year.  I'm looking forward to X, to Bayonetta2, QOL, Zelda Hyrule Warriors, Smash bros., possible price cut, smt vs fe, Next level games involvment, game results from Nintendo's Indie initiative, Brand new IP, new unrevealed games, new 3ds games, release date for smb 3ds, DLC.  There's a lot of items Nintendo can talk about. 

Now what I would get a boner for.  New gamepad design.  Heart monitor peripheral.  Nintendo animated television show.