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I think that MS failed to impress. The only game I'm interested in is sunset overdrive, and it's been announced for a year.
Sony on the other hand debuted gameplay for several games. And announced many more. Honestly, I don't know what more you could ask for in a press conference. They showed me everything I wanted, and now I'm optimistic about the PS4. Now I know that my 2014 and 2015 is going to be filled with 3rd and first parties alike (because of both conferences). It honestly feels like you didn't watch either conference. Sony should have made the tech and tv talk about half as long, but that's it. Sony doesn't ever seem to learn in that department for some reason, but I don't care because the rest was an 11/10 for me.
If nintendo direct is as bad as it was last year, then I'm not seeing them winning. Keep in mind, this is what nintendo direct was.