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Experimental42 said:

I've been sitting here thinking about what I just saw. Sony slogged on through the middle of their presentation with TV shit at a gaming show. Microsoft didn't really impress me personally, but at least they didn't slog on about TV as much as Sony.

The table is now set. Does Nintendo win best in show by default at this point, as long as they don't screw up, or will they be legitimately impressive? Do they come out and flop or do they hit the ground running?

I still say that with the relatively bland show so far, Nintendo can come out looking like a billion bucks if they have some good release dates, a decent surprise, and some good Zelda U and Retro Metroid footage.

It seems to be the sentiment, where were the surprises or the big "wow" factor?  Batman was the best of the show for me thus far, the only game that really surprised me and turned out better than expected.  I started the day saying that MS had a "solid" showing, but they proved to be the best of the day.  Sony probably had equal amount of good software, but their conference was dissapointing and didn't meet most people's expectations.  For me, I was expecting more from Sony, therefore, being more dissapointed.  Again, if you cut all the nonsense from their conference that was bad and only look at the games, it was pretty decent, but the conference was overall lacking.  Ninty wins by showing Zelda alone, unless the artstyle is absolutely horrendous.  I honestly think that SSB tourney will be the talk of the show....but we shall see tomorrow!