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Tamron said:

While this entire thread is just opinion I would like to point out a few glaring issues.

gamemaster4747 said:

My last blog was a review, and I got no responses at all. No one seemed to like it

gamemaster4747 said:

This is not meant to troll or incite anger from Xbox fans in a trollish way. Rather this is to show Xbox fans and all people what dirty lies MS has told us. Then decide for yourselves if you want to keep supporting what I consider a corrupt company.

By your own admission it seems more geared towards generating a response than showing xbox fans 'the light'.

gamemaster4747 said:

Sure, Sony has lied a bit, as well as Nintendo. I still have some anger about Sony abandoning the PSP to PSP Go UMD transfer program. But MS takes the cake here! I have some links to another article and an insulting MS video which is clearly deceptive. Plus I have some memories of a MS lie or two myself.

That is simply being deceptive and selectional, all three companies have made promises/lies/empty claims extensively throughout their tenure in the games industry, neither one is especially better than the other in that regard.

gamemaster4747 said:

Now that you have read this informative article, here is a link to a new Xbox One commercial which is clearly deceptive to those that are more casual and don't know the difference between XB1 with and without Kinect. This video has tons of Kinect features shown, but advertises the $399 Xbox without Kinect at the end. Here is the Youtube link: . This video upsets me the most.

This is just simple marketing, I have seen adverts for playstation that show move, lightguns and all sorts of other accessories then show a pricetag for the console, just as ive seen Wii adverts where everyone is playing, 4 remotes!, then lists the pricetag for a console with just one, that is purely marketing, they want to show off the product in the best light and show you what possibilities lay before you should you jump on board with the product, you are simply seeing it negatively, again selectively, because you have a preconveived opinion going in.

gamemaster4747 said:

Now my own words. My first memory of Microsoft's lying is when they said the original Xbox was upgradable. Not only did this not happen, but they abandoned the original Xbox in only around four years--which is a short console cycle--in favor of the 360 and demanded that 3rd party companies switch to 360 right away. A more recent lie is that MS said that there would never be an XB1 without Kinect. Another lie. They said that Kinect was intregal to the XB1 and that they wanted XB1 to be a multimedia center. Well, suddenly it's all about the games when Xbox is losing in it's home territory! MS has not been all about the games for years now. C'mon MS!

MS has recently pulled a copycat of the Sony strategy in multiple ways. Games with Gold=PS Plus instant game collection. No more subscription needed for apps, just like PS Plus. $399 console, just like PS4. What bothers me more is that MS is not compensating the early adopters of XB1 for this new Kinectless XB1. The early buyers were told that Kinect was there to stay and was to be an important strategy for XB1, not a side peripheral. MS will undoubtedly downscale it's games for Kinect and stop improving it as much as they would have if they kept Kinect in every box. Now those that paid $500 are stuck with an accessory instead of an important part of the XB1 experience. They should have kept Kinect and just swallowed the $100 loss for awhile. It's not like they can't afford it.

As far as i remember the software on the xbox was upgradable, but the hardware was not, and i do not recall ever reading that it was ever going to be, either.

As for the rest, there have been a number of large changes at microsoft and these changes ultimately include new people in charge of planning, pr and strategy, if your product isnt selling as well as the competitor, then it only makes sense to try to emulate what it is thats making the competitor sell better, everyone copies everyone else, not because they want to but because it's a business, they pretty much HAVE to. Unless of course you're trying to argue that a businesses first priority isn't to make money.

gamemaster4747 said:

Lastly, though it's not a lie, the constant red ring of death problem with the 360 for years, showed that MS didn't care about the gamers very much when they rushed 360 out the gate, and the fact that it took a class action lawsuit to get MS to extend 360's warranty to 3 years for the arguably poorest constructed game console ever, makes them an untrustworthy company in my opinion.

Clearly this is a biased blog, but one with much truth involved and no trolling whatsoever. Thanks for reading.

A little like dead optical drives on virtually every console with optical drives, NES cart slots and the whole blowing the cart thing, gameboy game batteries dying and losing saves, ps2 DRE, ps3 YLOD, game gear capacitors, gameboy color sound issues and so on and so on, electronics are prone to unforseen technical issues and to a huge extent the introduction of RoHS is to blame.

Console realiability took a nose dive with the introduction of RoHS compliance and BGA components suffered the worst, around the time of the Xbox 360 launch the PC scene was suffering from an extensive epidemic that began with RoHS compliances introduction and was still rife with issues many years later, it's only improved manufacturing and better component design that has slowly calmed that beast, either way to single out RROD as if it was the only notable issue is flat out wrong, since you're a gamer, to you it was simply the most documented and talked about.

While I appreciate that this thread is simply your opinion, and I respect what you personally believe, I can honestly say that I don't personally agree with anything you've said, and suspect that the point was simply to garner a response rather than make a solid argument for your opinion.

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Live long and prosper.

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