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i've kept up with news on the game for the most part but somehow missed this interview. in case someone else missed it too
somewhat interesting read..

" Still, his creative work on the project is now mostly complete – interpret that as you will". This + the fact that Yoshida said (a few months before this interview) that the game was being reengineered..does make it sound like the game possibly "finished" last year and from there on out it was a matter of making a proper PS4 version. My 2 cents.

"What did it feel like to leave a company where you had worked for so long?

When I worked at SCE, I was on an annual contract, so it was not as much of a change as those around me might think. Recently, I’ve been working at my home office and often at SCE’s Shinagawa office in Tokyo.

What was Sony’s reaction?

It was not easy, but I can’t go into the details just yet. It will be good to be able to discuss it along with a post-mortem of The Last Guardian someday.

What are you working on now?

The Last Guardian and the rest is secret. Outside of games, well, just for a hobby, I’d like to try my hand at art."


Also, Scott Rodhe will be interviewed at 8.45am tomorrow

by gametrailers. Don't expect him to spill the beans though. At most he'll probably just deny cancellation again.


Oh and now there's this: 

Just interviewed Shawn Layden, new CEO of SCEA. He says The Last Guardian is in full development in Japan. Unequivocally. Full intvu tmrw.