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shikamaru317 said:

Could it be that the game IS actually cancelled and Sony doesn't want the negative news weighing down their E3 showing? If that's the case, E3 will likely come and pass without The Last Guardian news and then sometime after E3 they'll make the announcement that it has been cancelled.

Just pointing out a possibility, not saying that is what is happening. Could easily be announced for PS4 tomorrow during the press conference. 

My opinion is that if that were the case, he wouldn't have "laughed about it over dinner", but rather given a colder/drier response, such as simply "it wasn't cancelled", or "rumours unfounded", etc. That part seems to express some confidence.

I mean how would it look if months from now it was announced as cancelled and THIS tweet, exactly like it is, existed?.. Would likely become an embarrasing internet meme of epic proportions.