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oniyide said:

fair enough. And again im not telling nobody not to be happy, im just saying where were they prior? and will they stick around after?  Im seeing a lot of blank profile pics and posts under 500. Cant be a coincidence. If i claim to be a Giants fan but only celebrate and sing their praises when they win superbowls and disappear when they arent doing to hot, im not a fan im a poser.

All good,  :-p, You know another reason is they could verywell be new... like myself. 

We differ on opinions, I suppose that's what makes things interesting... but I myself am a Habs fan and I don't really go all over the place defending my team or pumping them up either.. I find it takes to much energy to constantly go on about the things I like or defend my position all the time :-p Just pick and choose my battles :-p However like any fan I do show bias from time to time lol.