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oniyide said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Bravery: courageous behavior. Courage: strength in the face of pain or do something that frightens one. Why can't these people talk about their high hopes for wii U while it's doing bad? Because they don't have courage. What's the lack of courage? Cowardice. Dead serious. 

pretty much this. Nothing wrong with defending your video game preference but why not do it the ENTIRE time. This whole "Ninty fans were getting beat up, boohoo" is crap. THAT should have been the time to show face. Anyone can back a team when they are winning, but what of when they are losing. In sports we call those fake fans.

This is dumb. It's a console, not a football team. Gathering to cheer on an inanimate object with the three other people who happened to care at the time, isn't the same as showing up to support your team or your troops even when they're losing. It's a purchased good.

Here's how you can tell your idea of bravery is retarded. Substitute hotdogs for Wii U. Are you really going to waste time talking with people about a crappy hotdog? No. Now if you had a hotdog that came with the works and was grilled to perfection, you migh actually have something to talk about. You might want to talk about how to make a good hotdog. I've yet to see someone talk about the best way to make a hotdog taste like crap.

If that eludes you, how about comparing it to a pet? If you had a pet goldfish named Wii U and it got sick and died, you probably wouldn't have much to talk about. Now if you went to flush him and he came to life and jumped out of the toilet and back into his tank clear in the other room, you might have something to talk about. That's what happened with the Wii U this last week. The owners of Wii U are frickin amazed at what it di, and that's why they're talking.