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oniyide said:

pretty much this. Nothing wrong with defending your video game preference but why not do it the ENTIRE time. This whole "Ninty fans were getting beat up, boohoo" is crap. THAT should have been the time to show face. Anyone can back a team when they are winning, but what of when they are losing. In sports we call those fake fans.


But to call someone a coward seems a little over dramatic and not really fitting. Again, these are video games I would not call someone a coward because he is not defending his position on a daily basis on something so trivial. Maybe most don't feel the need to repeat their position day in day out as it falls on deaf ears?  What's the point in arguing when nobody really listens to what you have to say? These fans have every right to be happy about MK8 and all the positives, it's brought to their platform of choice! EVERY fan base has its bandwagoners, haters, blind followers, occasional supporters and diehards! Who are you to attack someone because they have reason to be upbeat? Is that Bravery? I call that fanboyism. 


I don't know, just seems like it's too much to call someone brave for taking a stance on a random video game topic that really holds absolutely no real life in consequence... Is it going to put his life, way of life others he loves in danger yet takes the risk anyway because what he is doing will change the world? Sorry, bravery does not come into play when talking about video games... Nor cowardice.