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Max King of the Wild said:


Not a 100% sure if your serious or not, but in the case you’re not.. I am just not sure the word in this case is just being used correctly. Cowardly is simply not a word I would use in defending ones videogame preference. I also fail to see how a game gives one "bravery" again that word is really not being used correctly either. 

From my prospective Nintendo fans simply were getting beat down and they kind of went quite until they had something to talk about... and rightly so, MK8 is a system seller, it's a highly valuable franchise that is very underestimated by its haters. 

But to say one gets bravery from a game or shows cowardice is just simply head scratching borderline comical. 

Now, if your not being serious just ignore the above :-p


Bravery: courageous behavior. Courage: strength in the face of pain or do something that frightens one. Why can't these people talk about their high hopes for wii U while it's doing bad? Because they don't have courage. What's the lack of courage? Cowardice. Dead serious. 

pretty much this. Nothing wrong with defending your video game preference but why not do it the ENTIRE time. This whole "Ninty fans were getting beat up, boohoo" is crap. THAT should have been the time to show face. Anyone can back a team when they are winning, but what of when they are losing. In sports we call those fake fans.