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atomicblue said:
I'm not inclined to make a prediction without knowing a bit more about what games the three companies have coming out at Xmas. Sony and MS are in the middle of their games drought (the one which seems to happen to every console in its first 6-12 months) and Nintendo currently have an opening to gain a lot of ground if they keep the momentum going post-MarioKart.

I will say this, though. At present, the only PS4/XO game slated for 2014 that I think has the potential to truly be a system-seller is Destiny, and I would not be remotely surprised if it gets bumped back into 2015. There are a few others like Driveclub, The Crew and The Evil Within, but I get the impression that they're more likely to be similar to Watch_Dogs; games that go over well with the people who already own the consoles.

but look how much better PS4 and to a lesser extent X1 are selling in comparison to WIi U even WITH their game droughts. So imagine what happens when they dont have that problem.