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JWeinCom said:
Mega Man 2

By a long shot.

I still play that game from time to time, and my THX 5.1 stereo has an X2 stereo output and it sounds even better/deeper. It's a seriously mad mad orcestration of square, sine and all those 8 bit waves eargasm notes. I hook up my Sega Dreamcast, my VGA cable that outputs 640x480 60Hz spin up the NesterDC Special Edition CD-ROM disc library. Fire up my Projector and am in gaming Nirvana on that setup.  The Dreamcast  VMU allows quicksaves on the fly so if you fall in a pit click the 2-button quick load. P: So sick. Best way to play NES is on a Dreamcast imho. Easily can finish Kid Icarus, Castlevanias and anything platformish in 1 sitting. You guys should all check into it.

FFX might be second place heehee. ;)