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I don't sell my games, so that's not an issue for me, but I do think I should have the RIGHT to sell my games, so I won't get into digital until that right exists. If you can't sell something, it's not really yours. People act like DRM is the devil, but what we need is GOOD DRM. There's already physical retail management, but digital is more complicated.

Space is a BIG issue for me. I can't afford HDD's yet. Not until a 1TB HDD is about $15-$20 will I be able to consistently afford the memory I'll need.

The physical collection feels great to display, better than the digital display. Also, I like being able to take a game off the shelf and hand it to a friend to borrow. We're getting closer to that on the digital side, but we're not there yet.

The last point goes back to the first. I want consumer rights. It shouldn't be physically possible for something I own to suddenly just "not be available" through no fault of my own. The fact that such is the case just bothers me to no end. I can't accept that. And I have hundreds of games, collected over the years, some dating back to the early 90's, but not a single ONE has stopped working, or even seemed likely to stop working. I take care of my games, and they don't ever get scratches.

Ultimately, for me to accept digital gaming, I'll need things to change, so that I can truly OWN the games, like I do my books. That and storage has to get cheaper. But I do see the advantages, I don't just hate it for the sake of it.