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Every FF has its legion of hypocrites or hipsters that like to critizise something that is considering "popular". I hate that kind of thinking. FF X was a wonderful game back then, and is still one of the most popular games in the saga. It's just another victim like FF VII, FF VIII and FF XII, that were bashed by a vocal minority that not represent the reality.

In my opinion, there is no bad mainline FF games, just ones that make something better than others. "Final Fantasy is dead" is something I've hearing since FF VIII, and every mainline game since then has been maginificent in its own way.

FF tries to change the formula with every game, and some people, nostalgic and conservative people, maybe don't like changes, but this mentality is what I like the most from FF. Every new FF have something old, and something new that makes every game fresh.

For me, FFXIII graphics, setting, soundtrack, battle system and mythology were top notch in FF history. I liked the progression of the characters trough the story. Probably most people hate them because it seems, people don't finish games nowadays, and probably they just played the first few hours of the game.

I can agree with the fact that FF XIII lacks better customization and sidequests or extra content. Grand pulse could have been even more richer in content.

But I enjoyed the game a lot. It's the most spectacular FF to date, with a gorgeous soundtrack and an intense system battle versus the hardest enemies in the game. The only thing I can say I really enjoyed more in FF X was the story. To me, FF X have the best ending of any FF.

I've learned long time ago, to not listen to opinions of very popular games on the internet, because you will always find detractors. Even some people is bashing games like The Last of Us!!!....and nobody will convince me that this game is bad. The same I feel about every mailine FF.