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GotBoth said:
I am fully digital this gen. I don't have to worry about switching out disc which is VERY convenient. Also, in terms of collection, I make enough money to where if I want to have a visual collection I can buy the physical version too. I did that with Watch_Dogs (which is only physical game I have) PS4. Still, even if I want a game for show, I don't want to have to put a disc in to play it. That is SOOOO 1999.

And I NEVER trade games in, I believe in intellectual property in it's purist form. I refuse to sell something I did not put in effort in to profit from. I appreciate companies that supply me with entertainment, not despise them.

Glad you have all that extra cash lying around. All the more power to ya. Not sure what sense it makes to purchase a digital and physical copy but then I think I have actually done so just not on top of each other. So I guess we are both suckers for our video games.

BUT, intellectual property rights even in its purest form has never, ever, ever covered resale of past works sold. We have the first sale doctrine and tons of history to base that on. If it had many of the greatest works ever created couldn't have ever been resold or even given away for that matter. Intellectual property extends to anything ever made. You can resell the item you purchased but you cannot copy it and sell the copy of ANY item. I just don't understand the irrational stance some gamers take on this issue. They'll buy a used car, a used TV heck probably used underwear but used game sales? Gasp the horror! And don't give me the gaming industry is different tha the car industry etc. The car industry is different than the music industry is different from the basket weaving industry is differet from the pickle making industry. None of which can stop you from reselling your purchases.

Also, I am curious on how you earned the money you used to purchase copies of these works of intellectual properties we call "games?" Undoubtedly you expelled energy and effort to earn a pay check and then in turn used it to purchase your games. Even if your mommy and daddy gave it to you they would have worked for it.

Most of us who play games appreciate the developers or at least we appreciate their works, which is why we buy their games in the first place. But tying ones finacial options or how they handle their wholely owned property based on a one way love affair seems as masochistic as one can get.

I would also take issue with the idea that reselling a game is done for "profit." Profit assumes you gained monetarily from that resale i.e. bought low sold high which in the case of used game sales is almost never the case, But I wouldn't disapprove even if you could profit from it in that way. Or if you are using the non-monetary definition you have already benefited or gained something intangible form your purchase (the joy of playing the game) and you are thereby profiting from your purchase.

Lastly, keep your games. I think it is your absolute right to do so and I don't begrudge you for it. I just feel like folks who take this stance laud it over the rest of us who choose not to as if they are some how morally superior because they never resell their games. But I ask you, what will you be doing with those when you expire? Are they to be buried with you or incinerated or perhaps returned to the original developer? Or would bequething your games collection to charity or a family member be in line with intellectual property rights? Neither of which will have helped the developer's bottom line.