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Are Final Fantasy 10 fans hypocrites? 

Most people who have played Final Fantasy 13 hate the game, most of them I'd assume are Final Fantasy fans, meaning that a good majority of them are also Final Fantasy 10 fans.  Now Final Fantasy 13 has a lot of problems, from the auto battle combat system, the the mostly unlikeable characters, to the confusing story, terrible equipment system, and crappy dialogue.  Last and what you hear most people talk about, is how Final Fantasy 13 is a long 20 hour hallway.  Is it?  Yeah.  For around 12 hours or so, you'll almost walk straight the entire time with a few divergences here and there with treasure chests at the end.

So why am I questioning Final Fantasy 10 fans being hypocrites?  If you also like Final Fantasy 13, or like me you think both games are garbage, then this isn't aimed towards you at all, but those of you who have played and love Final Fantasyy 10 but despise Final Fantasy 13 and constantly use the long hallway reference, there's a good chance you're a hypocrite.  No offense.

One major difference in Final Fantasy 10, unlike 13 is there are towns.  However, other than that, Final Fantasy 10 is one long hallway after the next.  There are a few divergences leading to a treasure box here, and very very rarely leading to a story event.  It's not until you get to the calm lands that there's a few more open areas to explore then you're led back to that long hallway again.  Overall, like Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy 10 is mostly one long hallway as well.

I just wanted to throw that out there.  Just think about that next time you call Final Fantasy 13 nothing more than a long 20 hour hallway.