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Samus Aran said:

Metroid has far better singleplayer and gameplay, it isn't about multiplayer. Halo is just point and shoot. Linear and repetitive. The original Halo was one of the first really good multiplayer FPS for consoles, and that's imo why it's so famous today. But nowdays, there are so many fps on consoles that it doesn't really stand out anymore, except by the popularity of its brand. The latest Halo games are good games, but they're games in an oversaterated genre. 

Metroid isn't about a heavy story, Metroid: Other M showed us why. It's about exploration, puzzlesolving, boss fights, gradually getting more powerful. It doesn't force the story upon you, you have to look for it yourself through scanlogs. 

There aren't many games like the Metroid Prime trilogy. There are many games like Halo. And that is why Metroid Prime will always be better than Halo. 


In your opinion of course. Critically and commercially it doesn't touch Halo. There are many games like halo because the first was so good and people thought that formula would bring them success so copied elements Id also say add that it is about multiplayer, something which retro studios couldn't get their heads around which was evident when metroid 2 was released. In comparison Halo 2 is known for its great and addictive multiplayer. Your original point was that retro studios could do a better job with 20 million but they couldn't make a good multiplayer mode back then, why could they now? Could they even create a shared online world without heavily hiring talent the talent for it?

I must have imagined the part when i was hijacking banshees and flying them or getting in my warthog or scorpion and fighting scarabs. Must have imagined the vast array of different enemies with different behaviour patterns and weakspots and all the different weapons such as the sword, sniper and battle rifle. It's just ignorant to view halo as a point and shoot game that is linear and repetitive.