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Sorry i just don't see the wii getting to or above 50% market share EVER. The wii hasn't been supply constrained in japan for a very long time and isn't likely to be ever again. In europe it hasn't been supply constrained for over a month and at worst will only be supply constrained at christmas and that only leaves america. With all the supply in the world the wii is only going to increase a small amount worldwide per week. At the same time the vast majority of nintendo's top games have already come out with only mario kart, animal crossing, wii fit in america/europe and smash bros in europe left to come out, so the wii will only receive a few boosts because of those games.

On the other hand the 360 is about to get a big price cut in america which will be huge and significantly boost sales. Before the end of the year the ps3 will get atleast one price cut worldwide if not two depending on how effective the 360 price cut is. The 360 has alot of wild cards for brand new games coming out this year such as alan wake but the ps3 has a huge amount of proven million selling games which will significantly boost hardware sales, not to mention the biggest selling game of last generation grand theft auto coming out for both the 360 and ps3. So far this year (using vgchartz data from the 29th of december till the 21st of march) the wii has sold less than 50% of total next gen console market share, how is the wii supposed to get above 50% ever when that's the case?