I've only upvoted games I'd buy day one, and only downvoted games that I'd likely never buy. The only exclusive I downvoted was Driveclub because I'm genuinely not interested in it. At least I don't recall downvoting any other exclusives, if I did I wasn't interested in them. The only tactical stuff I did was to not touch games I would buy but didn't want to draw attention to, and to comment on the RPG wars in hopes of getting people to stop voting down X and KH3 and near the end I tried to ignite a WRPG war, though I think that sort of just took care of itself.
From what I can see, the real winners of this hurt/heal game are the people who have varied enough game tastes to appreciate the games that make it to the end. No Man's Sky looks fucking fantastic, and Earthlock sounds really interesting too. I'd even be cool with Below winning. I'm not as ecstatic as I'd have been if Zelda won, but whatever, I aint even mad.