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random15 said: said:
random15 said: said:
random15 said:
No, this is a video game sales website, that is why people come here to talk numbers. If you think it is stupid then you are in the wrong place. This website is all about who is winning and if your console of choice it is not winning then *excuse me* tough sh*t.

And did you create the console random15? And do you understand business stragety because what would you define as winning? If the xbox one has made more money due to higher profit margins, doesn't that meant that they are winning in your mind set? Yes, it does!! Were you born of a console or did you pledge allegience to one? What is it that makes you part of that "race" to win? Because you walked into gamestop and purchased a console?

Competition is everywhere just look around. I am sure you are fan of a sports team or a fan of anything in general.

Man, competition is not competition if hate is involved. Thus the media stating that it is a "War". It's pathetic how far some people go. I genuinely picture their faces like this when I read their comments....


You are here from the wrong reasons then. There are some very passionate people in these forums and there is nothing worng with that.

Passionate about what? The console they picked up at a retail outlet? I love video games, but there IS something wrong with anyone who tries to make another human being feel bad for being different to them. It shows clearly who they really as. So yes, there is something wrong with that. If they hate you for the console you choose, I would hate to see what they would do if you ate a different breakfast cereal than them :O or had say...different skin color or religious beliefs. Its about respecting other peoples choices, and if someone can't do that then they are a lousy human being.