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d21lewis said: said:
d21lewis said:
I cared about sales when Sony was losing. Now that they're in first, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. I honestly just quit caring. I guess I'm an asshole.

I came here to see what games were popular, but seriously, I don't understand, if  buy a lambo and you buy a ferarri, how my lambo sucks if your ferarri sells more??? We both have cool racing cars. Right?

Just my p.o.v.. Never really cared about sales at all.  Then suddenly I found out that the Wii was beating the PS3 in sales and suddenly, I felt like I was on a winning team (despite the fact that I owned the Wii AND the PS3).  That's what made me come to this site, to be honest.  I liked seeing the company that beat my beloved Nintendo suddenly struggle.  Crazy since I owned every Playstation device, ever--aside from the phone.  Now that it's business as usual, I've reverted to my old "I don't really care about sales" self that I was from gen 3-gen 6.  I just want to have fun.

I to care about the WII U sales situation as I did about the PS#3 but only because I wanted others to experience the fun I was having with those machines. But seriously, there is WAY too much hate going on.